Our Resources

Links to Companies & Associations Affiliated with Grand Aire

The GrandAire.com links page is constantly being updated, so be sure to check it often for sites of interest. If your site or blog links to us, let us know so we can add you to the list!

Flag City Honor Flight

Grand Aire is proud to be the home of the Flag City Honor Flight at Toledo Express Airport. Learn more about this non-profit organization, which provides US veterans the opportunity to visit the memorials in Washington DC.

Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council (OMSDC)

Grand Aire is a member of the Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council (OMSDC), one of 39 regional councils affiliated with the National Minority Supplier Development Council.

Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport

Toledo Express Airport offers nonstop service to Phoenix-Mesa (AZA), Fort Myers/Punta Gorda (PGD), Orlando/Sandord (SFB) and Tampa/St. Pete (PIE).

Easy access from northwest Ohio and southeastern Michigan; close, affordable, convenient parking; and courteous prompt services make Toledo Express your choice for simplified travel.

Links and Downloadable Items


If you would like more resources, don’t hesitate to call Grand Aire’s helpful staff of professionals. Contact us at 800-704-7263 today!